Wednesday, October 24, 2007


As of right now, 1:05 Arizona time, 910,000 people have been evacuated from the wildfires blazing in California. Please Mr. Bush, do not fuck over these people as you did the people of New Orleans.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ann Coulter

I'm at a loss of words. Ann Coulter talking to Donny Deutsch on his program. I don't even have anything witty to say. Just watch.

Boston Red Sox (god dammit)

Being a Yankee fan, I can't stand the fact that there is a possibility that the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Boston College all win a national championship this year. If this happens, I will lock myself in a bathroom and drink myself stupid.

I Love This Place

Video of a party thrown at the Star Pass Apartments in Tucson, AZ. Worth the watch.

Republicans' Only Hope

This is another short clip from my favorite show "Real Time With Bill Maher". In this clip, Bill is interviewing Republican Presidential hopeful Ron Paul. He seems to be the only sane man in the Republican Party.

Drinkin' Time

This is possibly one of my favorite pranks of all time. Takes place at Dartmouth College. Don't mind the beginning cause its idiotic.

Bill Maher at His Best

This is Bill Maher taking care of 9/11 conspirators who disrupted his show. These are the nuts who believe that the WTC Tower 7 was brought down by demolitions. Even suggesting this is ludicrous.

Fox News,2933,304244,00.html

Please just glance at the following title to this article. Fox News and the amazing "bi-partisan" reporting that they engage in just posted this article recently describing the comments made by presidential hopeful John McCain. Osama bin Laden's new tape shows that we are winning the war in Iraq? Haha. Generals are coming forward from earlier in the war, top generals, and declaring that this war was a disaster from the start and McCain is trying to tell us that we're winning? How can you send a military over to fight people who do not have a military? There was a reason that during the Vietnam War our military would cause massive amounts of casualties just to be greeted the next day by more men. Because it was a civil war. They will not stop coming as long as we are occupying the country.

The "War" On Drugs and The Youth Vote

This being my first post, I thought it would be appropriate for the none or one of you who read my blog that I tell a little bit about myself. I am currently a freshman at the University of Arizona and am studying business. I'm obsessed with current events, cultural differences, religion, pop culture and sports. Through this blog I hope to relay the feelings and emotions of current situations in our world through the eyes of an 18 year old (as stupid and naive they may seem).

First and foremost, I want to talk about my problem with the current problems with politics and the myth of the "youth vote". Ok, there is no such thing as the youth vote and if P. Diddy can't gather the youth vote after being on MTV everyday for a couple months back in 2004, I'm not really sure who can. People ask why won't the youth go out and vote? Simple.

One, we don't have money. Taxes and the budget are discussed to a ridiculous degree by big name politicians. Dandy. It needs to be done. Taxes and budget are an important part of society and need to be discussed. But I don't make more than $30,000 a year and chances are, most 18-22 year olds do not either, whether in college or trying to make it on their own. Do I really care at my minimum wage job if Uncle Sam is taking 44 bucks or 50 bucks per pay check? No, there's a kegger down the street that seems more fun that worrying about 6 bucks. Do my parents care about taxes in their job? Absolutely. But they also make more money than I do, which is why they listen to presidential candidates.

Two, we realize we are smarter than most politicians. Ok, ok. Not book smarts. Street smarts. Three of the current Republican presidential hopefuls do not believe in evolution. No that doesn't fall under book smarts. That should now, in this time, be common knowledge. The world is not flat, the sun doesn't revolve around the moon, the ice caps are melting (a myth to the right wing) and OJ was guilty. Common knowledge. Also, don't talk down to us like you are smarter than us. George W. Bush went to Yale. Enough said. Just because a politician has a beautiful wall of diplomas does not mean that I will take his word over one of my pot-dealing friends who can count the amount of brain cells he has on his left hand.

Third, young adults are amazing at telling when people are lying, especially in this generation. The word "drama" seems to have taken off as a common word used among young social crowds. Most "drama" occurs when one person "talks shit" about another person, bangs someones boyfriend/girlfriend or someone lies about someone. Growing up in "drama"-involved social situations our whole life, being able to tell if someone is lying is something we as young adults are extremely good at. So when a politician is asked for his stance on abortion and claims, "I will be sure that this country is led in a direction that follows the same path our Founding Fathers paved for us..." etc. and keeps talking until we forget all about abortion, he/she is a bullshitter. And in a generation filled with bullshitters it is easy to say to that politician, "you can't bullshit a bullshitter". And let's not forget we have been told of the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, the stork who dropped me off at my parent's doorstep, pre-marital sex (even when safe) will send you straight to hell and it is inevitable the girl will become pregnant, that Marijuana causes kids to go crazy and George W. Bush, I think it is safe to say that we can spot a lie when it is told.

Speaking of marijuana, it brings me to my next point. The "War" On Drugs. What a stupid idea. Let's start with cigarettes. Cancerous? Yes. Dumb? Yes. Nasty? Yes. Worst thing since the Third Reich? No. If I have to see one more Truth Ad interrupt my Life of Ryan episode (shut up, its addicting) I'm going to kick someone. Are these people dumb? Of course the major tobacco companies are evil, most of corporate America is. That's how you make big money in this country. Deception. You will not play like Michael Jordan if you wear his shoes, but he wants you to. You are not cool by drinking Smirnoff Ice, but they would like you to think that. And you are not fashionable by wearing Hollister. But it seems that way. Yes Michael Jordan's shoes are not deadly and drinking is more acceptable than smoking but let's look at it through and economic perspective. These Truth Ads seem to want big tobacco to shut down. That is, sorry for being politically incorrect, retarded. Please, shut down big tobacco and watch our economy crumble and revenue to the government go down the drain. The tobacco industry employs thousands of people and brings the government alot of cash. So please, Truth, I know you won't ever read this but simply, shut the fuck up and have Phillip Morris send its money to Darfur where children are dying by boatloads instead of your pathetic attempt at showing kids how badly they are being lied to.

Second, marijuana. Oh God. Not marijuana. Although not a pot smoker myself, I will stand up for my pot head friends and still keep this paragraph brief. Someone please tell me the side effects that marijuana causes that are worse than any side effects that alcohol has on people. I'll wait while you research an answer.

And lastly, the hardcore stuff. Let's make my point clear, first and foremost. If people wish to put shit into their bodies and cause harm to themselves, thats their perrogative, not mine. The legalization of drugs, all drugs (although I'm iffy to say that), would free up jail space for those that need to be put in jail such as rapists, murderers and pedophiles. I have yet to speak to a single person who has decided that they choose not to do a specific drug because it is illegal. When asked why I don't use cocaine I don't reply, "By golly, I might go to jail and jail is scary." No if someone asks me why I don't use cocaine I tell them it's because it is highly addictive, my heart races easily as it is, it's deadly and it's expensive. But if someone wants to go into the bathroom and blow some lines, go for it. My point is this, by making drugs legal, that is not putting a mindset into people that it is ok to use drugs and will not cause more deaths, it will most likely cause less deaths due to less drug deals gone bad. If something is readily available due to legality, it won't be as hard to find and won't cause people to kill for it.

I believe that's it for my first entry. Kind of long but I was bored.
Remember, safety is a must. Seatbelts and condoms kids.